Social Media and ShopSite

Social Media and ShopSite
Social Media and ShopSite

As we all know, social media is here to stay.  If you are not using it, you are missing out.  ShopSite knows this and is continually updating to make ShopSite work in conjunction with social media.  Two features now included in ShopSite …. allowing your customers to login to your store with their facebook login (requires ShopSite Pro) and having a page at your facebook account that IS your store.

First, you need a facebook account.  You should make it a public account so anyone can access it.   If you already have a personal facebook account, you can create a page that attaches to it that can be for your business.  If you do not have a facebook or want a completely clean, new account, go here: for instructions on setting it up.

For both features, you will want to be logged in to ShopSite and your Facebook account as administrator.

Facebook Store Page
To setup the page in facebook that is a store page, you can find the ShopSite
instructions here: .  In ShopSite you will want to go to Merchandising > Social Media > Facebook.  You are doing the top section:
Facebook Store.  Wondering what this might look like? Check out the
facebook ShopSite store at Nelle and Lizzy:!/nelleandlizzy/app_252286991456101
.  If you cannot see it, login to your facebook account.

Facebook Connect
The second feature is letting your customers sign into customer
registration with their facebook account, ( ).  The instructions for setting this up
are here: .  In ShopSite you want to go to: Commerce Setup > Customer Registration> Configure.  If you are using shared
security (meaning, you haven’t purchased your one secure certificate), you will
need to know the name of the server you are using.  Contact your web host for this information, they can tell you want to use for App Domain (usually the server name, example: and the Site URL (usually the main secure space, example:  Once you have set all of this up you may need to tweak your custom customer registration template to add the feature.

To see what it will look/work like, visit Nelle and Lizzy:*22a6607a641fe7e5e81cb0045967941d4f39d6&html_reg=html

Need help, just let us know.

Article Name
Social Media and ShopSite
Make it easier for customers by allowing them to shop your ShopSite store from your Facebook page and let them login to ShopSite's customer registration using their Facebook account. Saves them time and makes it easier for them to make a purchase. Great for any business.